Sunday 15 June 2014

Was that all a dream?

Today marks 6 months to the date and day since I left Sierra Leone.  Time, as they always say, has flown.  It is now time for the final entry to bring matters up to date and close this chapter.

So what had happened in the last 6 months?  Well I've found myself a job working for Save the Children (UK) in Farringdon as a Finance Business Partner.  Give me another 6 months and I'll be able to tell you what that means.

So settled in a job and settled back into my flat in Surbiton.  A flat that I had forgotten how much I love. With that in mind I am starting to make all the changes that are needed.  Finally putting in central heating, refurbishing the toilet and bathroom, recarpetting, reupholstering and repainting.  It's taking time but by December it should be done.

Am I missing Sierra Leone?  Yes I am.  The people, the beaches, the sunshine, the madness that is Freetown.  Every day as I don another piece of Africana clothing I am transported back there.  This also happens when I watch an episode of The Big Bang Theory and my ipod shuffles to a P Squared song.

Life in London is great as I see lots of theatre, I'm back into regular Pilates, am seeing friends and enjoying my veg box and the huge variety of food on offer.  Reaclimatising has been helped by those I met in Freetown.  It's lovely to share memories and catch up with folk as they come through town.

So 20 months that have shaped me and are never to be forgotten but sometimes I do want to pinch myself to remind myself that it happened at all.

Here are some of my memories since I've been back (as I know a picture brightens up a blog).

Thank you for reading and if another adventure comes along I'll be back!

Salone crew in Shropshire

With my theatre going buddies Matc and Bryn

The happy couple Laura and Dave

Down on the farm with Ed, Jess, Michelle and Claire

The happy couple Tom and Heather

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