Monday 28 May 2012

Two months in and ten new insights

At the end of last year when I was making the decision to accept my placement to Sierra Leone I read a blog by Shona, a Scottish doctor, who was here in 2011.  I found it really engaging and particularly enjoyed her “ten things..”  posts so I’m going to borrow that format today.  Here are ten things I’ve come to realise after living in Freetown for two months, some may surprise you.
1.       Your friends, old and new, are special so never take them for granted

2.       You don’t have to exercise hard to sweat, just sitting down will do it.

3.       Sitting  for hours staring out to sea from my balcony is a wonderful way to pass the time

4.       A friend who I can be me with, laugh with and who brings perspective when I’m having a bad day is to be treasured - and I do.

5.       You don’t have to walk fast, strolling is good – just keep your eyes open for open drains and other trip hazards - pavements are a luxury and should be appreciated at all times

6.       Think once, think twice, think bike?  No, just think bike at all times as you never know where the blighters are coming from

7.       Cucumber is not the devil’s food  – in fact peeled in a salad it is actually quite pleasant

8.       It’s good to be spontaneous and not plan too far in advance - a week that starts empty is always filled by the end

9.       Always have your phone charged and topped up  - it’s your lifeline

10.    I’m a “whet gayl”!

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