Thursday 3 October 2013


Back in April I returned to Sierra Leone with a very vague plan of what next.  I know that despite leaving my job with Concern I did not want to leave Sierra Leone.  I had a strong feeling that there was more for me to do here, so without any job I came back to the unknown.

I was supported through this phase by my Life Coach, Charly (click here to learn lots more about her), who during our sessions helped me realise what my core values were and to seek a future role that met those.  As I embarked on my consultancy business she was with me every step of the way, bolstering my confidence and reminding me not to under sell myself when it came to rate negotiations.
One aspect of the coaching I found really helpful was the focus on noticing.  By this I mean noticing how you feel in certain situations so that you live in that moment.  For me it meant taking time to notice how my body reacted when I was contemplating some part of my future plan.  Your body can tell you so much but we often forget to listen.  In truth, this is something I was very in tune with during my naturopathic training but in the fraught moments in Freetown I simply forgot.

So thank you Charly for helping me to reconnect with noticing.

Why this post today?  Well I noticed that I feel ridiculously happy this morning.  Where does this come from?  Completing a challenging hilly run through streets of Freetown at 7am, settling down to work on my new project which involves spreadsheets and learning about something new.  In addition I have my i-Tunes on  shuffle and am happily singing along with songs I had forgotten I even owned.

Oh and I'm also contemplating a Christmas trip to New York to see this.  An amazing cast!
Daniel Craig, Rachel Weisz, Rafe Spall

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